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“Mobilising science and society to restore the Danube River Basin: Exploring routes to collective action”

Matchmaking Workshop: 25th November 09.00-12.30 CET

With Guest Speakers:

Muki Haklay (ECS) – Citizen science

Eva Manzenreiter (DANUBE4all) – Sediment analysis

Sara Blanco Ramirez (CrowdWater) – Flood and drought monitoring

Enya Enriquez Brambila & Vera Knook (River Collective) – Collective river stewardship

Holly Broadhurst (University of Salford) – eDNA

Image Credit: Johannes Zinner

The Danube is Europe’s second-longest river, stretching 2,850 kilometers from its source in the Black Forest to the shores of the Black Sea. In total, the Danube River Basin (DRB) and its waters underpin the diverse riverine habitats and ecosystems of 20 European countries. Because of its immense environmental, cultural and economic importance, both local and international cooperation are essential to safeguard the DRB and its ecosystems.  

In our matchmaking workshop we bring together scientists doing research related to Danube River Basin ecosystems and Citizen Science practitioners, to find new ways to collaborate on the common goal of improving the Danube river’s ecological status, biodiversity and ecosystem connectivity (See our agenda below).  

Please join us if you...

  • are involved in research and/or citizen science initiatives in the Danube River Basin  

  • want to contribute to the health and resilience of the ecosystems of the Danube River Basin  

  • are involved in a citizen science or other research initiative in the Danube River Basin that you would like to expand 

  • are looking for new partners to implement (citizen) science projects or activities connected to the Danube River Basin 

  • want to start implementing citizen science in your research related to ecosystem and river restoration, but you don't know where to start

  • or want to get involved in citizen science in the Danube River Basin.

Workshop Agenda



Introductions: DANUBE4all

Citizen Science & ECS

Getting Inspired by Citizen Science: Pitch Presentations

Interactive Session 1: Collecting Possible Research Topics


Coffee Break


Interactive Session 2: Work on Topics & Sketching Project Plans

Wrap Up & Feedback


Workshop End

Image Credit: Eimear Fitzgerald

About the project 

DANUBE4all is an EU ‘Lighthouse Initiative’ in support of the EU Mission “Restore our ocean and waters by 2030". DANUBE4all entails an unprecedented co-creation process involving scientists and local communities, public bodies and policymakers, as well as SMEs and investors.

Matchmaking Workshop: 25th November 09.00-12.30 CET

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