Jindřichův Hradec is a town in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. The freshwater system in focus is the Vajgar - Nežárka - Hamerský Potok river pond system in the Elbe River Basin.
Vajgar pond was established in 1399 and is adjacent to the historic part of the town. Embankments and managment interventions have combined with the effects of fish production, agricultural runoff and sewage water overflows to create poor water quality conditions for flora and fauna within the ponds. Large algae blooms are observed every year and the situation is expected to get worse due to climate change.
The goal of this DANUBE4all micro-project is to provide the evidence based, community-driven blueprint for the ponds restoration, drawing on selected, customised DANUBE4all expertise. It will involve key interest groups and the focal communities in a collaborative design process, entailing the extended monitoring, surveying and preparation of restoration oriented technical studies. It will also draw on the DBRAP and further DANUBE4all deliverables in integrating a science-to-people approach.
The project will utilise DANUBE4all blueprints in the focal-scoped river-pond section restoration, under the Comprehensive Nežárka - Lužnice Basin Rehabilitation Strategy and supports both DANUBE4all and EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters" objectives.
What are the project’s priorities?
The overall focus of this project will be to develop a collaborative restoration and design plan to improve the watersystem and ensure that both the cultural and the environmental values of this historic landmark are preserved.
The restoration plan will focus on preventing sediment introduction into the river basin and reducing the introduction of pollution from overflow chambers (local sewage system).
The design will necessitate a multidisciplinary approach, with expertise from fields such as water engineering, biology, landmark preservation and NBS solutions. Community collaboration will be important also, and there are plans for local forums, workshops and seminars with the public, stakeholders and local government.
How will the learnings from DANUBE4all help the project in its river restoration goals?
From the long term perspective, the rehabilitation and renaturalization plan and its implementation are essential as a part of a shift towards a sustainable development model of the municipality and water management, adding to the scope relevant ecosystem restoration. Direct involvement of the key stakeholders and indirect involvement of local communities will serve as a blueprint for similar projects throughout Czechia, and the mezzo-region in particular.