Citizens & the Danube
Join our mission!
Be a part of the Danube restoration!
By participating in our activities, you can help protect and restore this vital river ecosystem. Your insights and actions are crucial in ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
How can I engage?

Your stories and testimonials
“Working with DANUBE4all and the Persina Nature Park has opened doors to me that I thought (and was told) would be too ambitious for an undergraduate student! It was a great experience to have to work with volunteers. I had to learn how to lead fieldwork within a group setting, keeping in mind that everyone is not a scientist! It was great to reach out to people from all backgrounds and see them motivated to learn about our project.”
Alice Demolder, student
“After driving for a few hours, we arrived at the Donauversickerung or the Danube Sinkhole, between Immendingen and Tuttlingen. It is here at this very ordinary sight that the Danube softly flows underground for some months of the year! The river disappear from the surface to travel through underground caverns to the Aachtopf, where it emerges as the river Radolfzeller Aach, a tributary of the Rhine. Thus, a part of the Danube water also flows in to the Rhine!”
Sandra de Vries, extract from the road trip along the Danube
“The children were enthusiastic to see how these experiments were done and participated in a sediment sieving process, learning the steps of how to study sediment and the important data it can tell us. Being hands-on working with the sediments brought out smiles! It was a joyful experience, one in which we have expanded the knowledge about sediment and hopefully also have inspired some children to look more at the sediments and the Danube!”
Eva Manzenreiter and Franka Pouwels, BOKU